Thursday, June 30, 2011

Walking on the road of development

Raja Shahzaib

Pakistan came into being on August 14; 1947.It was the first ever Pure Muslim state which was made on the teachings of Islam. After our some great leaders, Pakistan also enjoyed the flavor of Marshall Law but the country couldn’t prosper after moving through different hands which are divided into certain Parties. Everything is pre-planned with the collaboration of "foreign" help.

So discussing the topic the point comes that as Pakistan is a country with all the Natural resources, Labor Force, Strong Army, Perfect climate and Clear understanding is walking to our own past from where we once started. Is this what we wished for or this is we are dragged too? The question should strike in our minds but we are over dosed with this special Injection which made us immune. One of the Developing Country who have the Power of World's best Army and Atomic Power, Still we allow intruders to do undercover missions in abbotabad. Agro-based country that have perfect crop conditions, Exporting large amounts all around the world, Still we import to full fill our needs.

The basic crisis of Pakistan is Electricity. We are living in a Dark cave where light beams are entering from little holes which reflect the elite of our society. The dark spots are the poor who don’t have the availability of resources. This issue links up to the point that our one of the major teaching of Islam is forgotten in our state which is distribution of wealth. So the conclusion is that the rich are getting rich and poor where poor so we shouldn't discuss them.

Hunger is all around us, one side is the hunger for food and other basic resources which are not available to the masses. On the other hand the other side is the hunger of money which has also surrounded; this type of hunger is also known as Corruption or in Good terms “Gifts”. First type of hunger is inversely the cause of the second type of hunger. As more and more is been snatched from the people, more and more die each day due to hunger.

The freedom of speech is posed by every citizen of Pakistan, that’s what we know. What we don’t know is the conditions for this law. Freedom of speech is legal for two kinds of people. One who belong to media; as media has the power to express whatever they want. The other kind is our respected Government officials. This kind is the supreme authority in the case of freedom of speech. They promise you today but tomorrow you can never ever ask about what they promised in the past.

Pakistanis are labeled as terrorist. They are hated all around the world because of the religion they belong and the beard they posses. We cant go abroad because we have the the name of our prophet attached to our names. Every nation who posses some basic element are labeled as terrorist and are taken over by the U.S. So finally whatever things we once posses are also taken over by someone or will be taken in coming years.

What are we lacking with? After spending billions, having special researches and special meeting with foreign countries we came to this point that the foreign trip on government’s funds is the most luxurious trip. That what a person dream for. The conclusion is the same after 60 years that the country is lacking with some basic crises which have to be sorted out and work according to the priority. The priority is to spend billions on the bulletproof cars for the high government officials.

We have forgotten our base, our culture, our religion, our brotherhood and our selves. It is time to go ahead rather moving back to the time from where we once stood up. Wake up people this is our country our motherland and we need to protect. It’s been sixty years and still we are on the road of development. Follow the right path or we will be forgotten one day.

You are Pakistan, so as I

I belong to you my beloved country. You have provided us everything. I love you because the blood of our Ancestors was a source of creation in between you. My Pakistan I still love you, though you are facing your critical time by means of electricity shortage, food crises, High prices, increasing suicidal rate, Terrorism and Poverty. I am with you. I know that I am not strong enough to change the entire of you but I can try to change myself first. All what we facing is just because of the people with fake Identities. The only way to change them is a strong supervision that will work on the basis of Islam.
My dear Pakistan I know that our Quaid Muhammad Ali Jinnah and our fore fathers have created this homeland by shedding the blood of their loved ones. The roots of our country were Islam. If we are facing the critical time than we have to look back and put light on the foundation of our country.

Before partition no one can deny that the Muslims of sub-continent were being exploited on the basis of Religion. Majority of Business was being held by one particular ethnic group. And this siege was widening day by day. While Hindus and the Hindu populated areas were being educated, industrialized, and developed, Muslims populated areas were being ignored.
Pakistan was created by the people of Pakistan to realize their common aspiration. Their vision was a country where edicts of Islam govern every aspect of life. The quest for realization of this vision is the cement that unite sthis nation. After the advent of Pakistan ethnic differences started increasing because people started prioritizing their specific ethnicity over Nationalism
 We have to think that we don’t just belong to a single ethnic group but nation. A nation consisting of people from different ethnic groups that joined together for the sake of Almighty Allah and the true Islam. The actual reason for the creation of Pakistan was a pure Islamic state where Muslims in majority can spend their life in accordance with the teachings of Islam. We have to look again what our Quaid has said, what was our mission and what kind of moral and social background we have adopted. We must not encourage Nationalism over Provincialism. We shouldn’t think like Sindhi, Balouchi, Punjabi and Pathan but Pakistani.
My Pakistan I know that people today are not like what were sixty years ago and I know that the true spirit of being Pakistani or a Muslim is vanishing within our souls with time because we haven’t provide you with a good supervision and a model personality. But this is not the time to back down, at least not right now; there is too much at stake. Our country needs all of us. This is the time to wake up, to listen to the calls of our own country and to realize every Pakistani the wretched reality of life But it is not right to be dispersed as this is the time to stand united because we are an Islamic nation that can fight with any evil for the prosperity and life. Pakistan Zindabad.
M.Ahmed Butt

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


In the midst of a desert a car rushing towards a particular direction to set a new world record, or an athlete, during his sprint, who sees nothing but the other end of his track, or a speed boat gushing through the waters in pursuit of the finish line… These are the things that usually come in our mind when we hear the word “Race”. Can we link these examples with our real life? For that we'll have to assign different characters to life in the scenarios stated above. Life is like a car running in the midst of a desert which does not seem to end, or it’s like an athlete who is constantly running but does not see the finish line, or a speed boat going against the stream.  

Let us study the life of the common man of, say, our country Pakistan. See the daily routine of that man. He gets up in the morning, goes to work, comes home tired, and sleeps. This is how he follows this cyclic schedule throughout his life and upon his death these responsibilities pass on to the next generation. As generations pass requirements increase and so do the responsibilities, with lives becoming busier and more hectic. Now what do we mean by 'requirements' which are increasing? The requirements are actually to live better lives, earn more, and raise living standards. And what do we mean by 'living standards'? Well, definitions do vary from person to person but in this particular class, quite a few things are common amongst all. We are used to hearing things like ‘I am working on my LAPTOP!*’ (Or in some cases ‘on my VAIO’**) and ‘my BLACKBERRY is not catching signals here’ instead of a simplified form ‘my phone isn’t working’. And yeah! The most interesting one! ‘I don't like CNG, I prefer running my car on PETROL’ when the question of preferences is not even raised by anyone.

This kind of behavior is mostly seen in middle class and in the lower classes who, in their opinion, are trying to progress. Their mentality and other societal pressures force them to think that expensive items add to their status and are always better than cheaper ones.

Now the most important question that arises here is that why are these people doing this and being so materialistic when almost all of them belong to faiths that promote simplicity? Actually these people are taking part in a race (and that too voluntarily!). The race for living a better life, achieving a higher living standard, getting more material, property, and money and more and more and more……. Hundreds of new lives enter this race each day, hundreds come to an end. But the race continues...

That was the basic idea of the type of lives middle class people "pursuit”. By now, you must be wondering who the middle class people are racing with? My mother once told me "riches of poor countries are worth being observed". I have found that to be true. Believe you me! If you do that, you will find one answer to the question that has just been raised. Upper class in any society is the kind of people whose lifestyle always remains a desire of their followers. And there is also a kind of people who have newly achieved enough wealth which in their view is necessary to enter the upper class. Such materialists (I am talking about a specific chunk of this class) act as if they have never suffered through poverty or bad times. They are in habit of show off which makes weaker persons feel that they are the only unfortunate ones who have seen (or having to see) bad times whereas in reality everyone suffers through crisis at some point in time in their life, whether financial or non-financial. This is how the whistle of the game is blown and the new participants are invited into the swamp of pomp and show, desire to get more, and towards unnecessary expenditure. Unnecessary expenditure in the sense that the ‘chasing’ classes try to spend the way riches do in their weddings, Eid, Christmas, and other customs. Some drown in the sea of debts in that struggle, and those who manage to escape the need of loans lose resources which could be incurred for real necessities. In simpler words these following classes enter into a spiral of worsening conditions.

One must know that it’s not just the riches who should be blamed for such conditions of the weaker classes. One should blame the follower classes more because they are trying to follow what does not really suit them and what’s not really required by them. These people are like inter-school level athletes who wish to jump on to national level before the right time and without the hard work which is required for that.

This can be stopped by the ruling class, the politicians. They can easily handle such things. And NOT surprisingly most of the times they do handle the situation. It is in fact a competition within the ruling class. Those who are better than others at handling of situation take the lead. It wouldn’t be wrong if we replace the word ‘handling’ with ‘manipulation’ in this case. Be it the upper class or the lower classes, everything is being manipulated by them. Upper class is used by them as a set of strings to control the lower classes and in this way the lower classes are further used to get success in electoral races. And for that they have to win the race of sympathizing, with victims of prejudices between ethnic races. Then the race between media begins to report those prejudices and sympathies first. And, you know, it doesn’t end here. It goes up to the international level with each level of the hierarchy triggering race amongst the lower levels. It’s a race inside a race. Each race triggering a new one.

Material cannot buy class. Boundaries of classes are not defined by money, but by mentality. Just pretending to be something is not the key to actually become something. It’s not as if these are some secrets that are being revealed to the general public for the first time in this article. We are all aware of these things. We all know that we are being controlled, manipulated and being forced to become participants of unnecessary contests. We know how it feels to be manipulated, still we have those amongst us who manipulate. Why becoming participants just because someone else is taking part? Why taking part in the competitions in which the destinations are not known? In which the promised checkered flags are never seen? And most importantly, does any one of the contestants know where exactly are they heading? No one probably knows the answer yet. But for those who want to know, these questions might trigger another race.

 * Capital letters reflect special emphasis on the word by the speaker
**Reflects emphasis on a particular brand by the speaker

Hussein Baidar But
Sec H


What  are  cartoons?  The  original  meaning  of  the  word  cartoon  was  in  fine  art.  A  rough  sketch  that  was  created   prior  to  making  a  final  painting  or  tapestry  was  the  actual  concept  of  a  cartoon.  However,  this  meaning  has  greatly  evolved and   the  term  cartoon now  refers  to  humorous  illustrations  in  animated  films.
Animated  cartoons  have  come  a  long  way,  gaining  their  actual  popularity  after  the  introduction  of  the  world  famous  Walt  Disney’s  character,  Mickey  Mouse.  However,  with  the  passage  of  time,  a  lot  of  the  other  cartoons  joined  in,  and  today,  there  are  over  1  million  cartoons  that  are  broadcasted  on  television.
These  cartoons  were  created  with  the  sole  purpose  of  entertainment  for  the  children  and  typically  contained  slapstick  humor.  But,  the  modern  day  cartoon  is  very  different  from  what  we  saw  earlier  on.  It  now  contains  aggression  as  well  as  violence.
There are both good and bad cartoons, thus, their affects are both positive as well as negative. Positive effects would refer to being taught the lesson of love and affection, character building and education. What this paper focuses on, is the negative impact that these have on the children.
Effect of these cartoons can be divided into 3 categories, Physiological effects, Psychological effects and Imitated Behaviour. Physiological effects, as the term itself suggests refer to the body changes that occur due to watching these cartoons. How they effect the mind is regarded as the psychological effect and when they copy the behavior that is shown in the cartoons, they are imitating.
Excessive watching of cartoons can lead to a number of physiological problems in children. These problems are mainly caused by the colour that are used and the speed with which the image changes. It causes eye fatigue, seizures, stammering, and laziness which may later on, serve as a cause of obesity.
Cartoons usually use bright and flashy colours that attract children and are eye catching. However, if proper care is not taken and if the children are not made to watch television under the right conditions, it may tire their eyes eventually leading to eye fatigue and even make their eyesight weak. Watching TV screen for hours exposes the eye muscles to bright and colorful images resulting in the eye muscles getting weak and desensitized. The receptors are stimulated and become desensitized eventually becoming flaccid making it difficult for children to keep their eyes open. The pre-operational stage is very critical for the brain. Neuronal connections are being, destroyed and remade according to the stimulus being provided. If abnormal stimuli are being applied, it can impair normal brain development and abnormal neuronal connections are made giving way to long term behavioral deficits, slurring speech and poor comprehension. It can also damage the eye-sight badly and migraine headache. Thus, it should be made sure by the parents that when their children are watching cartoons, they should be made to sit at least 5 feet away from the television screen, and the room in which they are watching the T.V should not be pitch dark.
Watching cartoons for increased lengths of time can cause laziness in children. They get used to sitting for long duration of time adapting a sedentary lifestyle. By the age of 5, children become such enthusiastic viewers that they are no longer interested in any outdoor activity and spend most of their time indoors in front of the TV. Due to this, there is every possibility of their falling prey to obesity which is one of the biggest factor for hypertension and cardiac diseases.
Arguably the most significant impact of cartoons on children is psychological. A child’s mind is most susceptible to the message and the content that cartoons intend to showcase and deliver. So the effect of cartoons is more psychological than anything else. This is a very important fact because at such a tender age, a child’s mind works like a sponge and absorbs a great deal of whatever he is exposed to. It is a proven fact that a child’s personality and his perception of the world is formed in the early years of his childhood (before the age of 5), so exposing him/her to anything violent, unrealistic, bizarre and nonsensical will have an adverse effect on his entire being and his perception of the world around him, which will manifest itself in later life with devastating effects and vice versa. The precise reason why psychologist put so much emphasis on healthy upbringing of the child especially in the early stages of his childhood.

The subtle use of violence in cartoons has had such an impact on the younger generation that they have become exceedingly insensitive to the growing violence and suffering in the real world. This is predominantly because of early exposure of children to violence in cartoons, the prime example are Tom and Jerry and Ben 10. The amount of violence shown in the above mentioned cartoons and a list of other cartoons is beyond safe. It is in fact detrimental to their personality and general upbringing. This has severe implications, the fact that they have become so immune to the violence, they are less concerned, and possibly indifferent about the violence caused by social injustice and lawlessness, which automatically makes them irresponsible and unaware of their civil duties. For example the constant beating and thrashing shown in the cartoons is at times shown on the news channels, seems of no real concern to the younger generation since they have already seen it in a different form. This does not evoke hatred and anger in them when they watch such real violent content and unconsciously accept the violence as a norm of the society.
 The other similar problem deals with the subtle use of sexual material in the cartoon either in visual or audio form or in the form of subliminal messages. The use of sexual of sexual content exposes the children at a very tender age, which does not yield productive results. They gradually become immune to the sexual differences between the opposite genders and do not realize that such content is not beneficial for them at such a young age. Who has not seen the famous animated lion king movie? Almost every child has seen it in his childhood. A closer look at the film yields that the word “sex” had been seen written in the sky with the help of stars. This cannot be a mere coincidence. It seems more like a conscious effort to condition children and make them aware of the word unconsciously, so the next time they see it they could relate to it.
In the cartoon little mermaid, the building structure in the background has been drawn in such a way as to indicate and be reflective of the male and female sexual organs in a very subtle and clever way. One cannot help but think the chances of it actually being a mere coincidence!
The argument that violence in cartoons make children less sensitive to violence in the real world has another very serious implication. The belief that violence is not “bad” it makes them more prone to applying it themselves in real life. This leads to aggression and anxiety in them at a young age and it increases with age. This has an adverse impact on the society at large. The aggressive attitude is a problem for the parents, teachers at school and young friends in general. Aggressive children are unsafe for younger siblings and their classmates. They are unpredictable and may even cause harm to themselves while indulging in an aggressive action. It is in fact the basic process of the human mind to get use to whatever it is exposed to repeatedly. A child’s mind is no exception to the case, excess exposure to violence in action packed cartoon with constant thrashing and fighting, a child’s mind becomes immune to it and does not respond the way it should when the child witnesses real life violence
Parents need to help their young ones to draw a line between reality and fiction. It is imperative that children are taught to distinguish between the two extremes. There are two other main issues with the growing popularity of cartoons. The first issue is that children many cartoon companies nowadays are targeting children to market their products. In the USA alone, over 2 billion dollars are spent each year on advertising targeted towards young consumers. The advertisement make you feel that if you do not own a certain product, you are nothing by a loser. If a child sees an item that they want and will throw a complete tantrum till their parents don’t give up and purchase it for them. This is a marketing company’s dream come true as companies view children through an economic lens. Nowadays, there is such a hype about these cartoons that everywhere around us one sees children with bags, clothes, figures, stationery, games and all sorts of things that are related to cartoons, and the ones who do not have them feel an inferiority complex.

The other issue and a rather serious one is that of the subliminal messages sent out by these cartoons. Barbie is a perfect example of this. It has become a major icon for young girls over the last several decades. Little do most people know, this pretty pink princess was based on a German prostitute comic strip character named Lili, who was later made into an 11 1/2 inch "sex pet" adult toy and sold exclusively in adult stores. In 1958, Mattel bought the rights to Lili and began the transformation from the adult toy to the Barbie doll that we know today.
Barbie sends the message that it is ideal to spend your time shopping and talking on the phone. When the first Teen Talk Barbie came out in 1992, the doll was pre-programmed to utter messages like "Math is tough." Barbie further pushes girls into gender roles and stereotypes by emphasizing pink as the feminine color, glamour and fame, and the "perfect" body. Girls begin to stereotype the ideal female as the pretty, blond, and slim model that Barbie presents us.
All this makes cartoons sound extremely evil, but if one gives it a thought, have we not all grown up watching these cartoons? Each one of us has watched cartoons while we were young, and some of us still do, but we are still perfectly normal human beings and have not developed any such physiological, psychological or behavioral changes. Thus, the impact of cartoons with all its legitimate reasoning and facts remains yet a very debatable topic.


Textile Crisis and its impact on Economy

Pakistani textile industry is now in worst condition since its existence. Although numerous economic problems are being faced by the government due to lack of management skills and planning however the textile industry of Pakistan has also been hit by toughest recession in the decades. No doubt there has been a global textile recession but we cannot take it as the major cause for the downfall of textile industry in Pakistan. As a matter of fact, Pakistan’s textile exports contributes about 60 percent to the country’s entire exports and no one is unaware of the impact of a country’s exports on the overall economy of a country. 

Now proceeding to some statistical estimates, well, Pakistan is ranked 8th largest textile exporter in Asia and it contributes about 8.5 percent of the total GDP. In addition, it provides employment to 38 percent of the work force of the country. 400 textile industries were shutdown and many more were threatened in 2009. Did the government is well aware of the results of closing down the textile sector of Pakistan? If it does, then why they neglected the economic afterward facts that it may would result in decrease of millions employments, a loss of more than billion foreign exchange, deficiency in tax revenue and closure of banks because of credit default. What do we have to call it? Negligence or failure?

Being specific to the problems that we have shaped ourselves, first of all, the energy crisis which is the main reason of the downfall. The existing energy needs are not sufficient as a result of which some textile industries have totally shutdown, some textile units have built their own energy generating plants and others being smart using the energy privately, being expensive, increasing its per unit cost of our product in the global market which is lessening the interest of buyers in the international market subject to our commodities and also forecasting the threat of our survival in the international market. Now switching other problems that are being faced are the lack of Research and Development (R&D) in cotton sector and short of modernized equipment as compared to the international. The use of obsolete technology is increasing the cost of production among other competitors in the market like china, India and Bangladesh. The ongoing depreciation of the Rupees in the global market had also a great impact on the price of our product in the market. The tax on textile resources is also in rising trend which makes it difficult for the exporters to continue production and discourages the new entrants in the market. Instead of imposing tax on the textile industry, they must give subsidies to encourage textile sector to give support to this sector. 

The current situation of Pakistan and security threats portrays a depressing image of the country in the world hence lack of new investment is also taking place. The textile sector is the backbone of Pakistan economy and Government should pay a serious attention in this regards. 

Ali Owais

Corrupt Police Department

Police Service of Pakistan
When we hear the word POLICE what hits our mind??? Bribe, Meanness, Injustice, Corruption etc. Police department is the department having most negative and dire image in our mind. People believe that the major department of corruption is police department. By interviewing some people I come to know that there is a very common fallacy that every police officer is corrupted and mean. Nearly no one is ready to consider that this department is not corrupted at that tremendous level.
At individual level different people have different problems with police department. Like some says that they have problem with their mean behavior, some hate the habit of bribing, some have problem with their injustice and some have problem with corrupt officers.
Corruption in this department is due to our own culture and our own mistakes. Public do not behave wisely with policemen. The pay of a junior officer is very less according to current circumstances. He cannot meet the expense of his family and cannot carry out his family needs and wants. So he is forced to get corrupted and then he can easily carry on his family otherwise it is a very difficult job for him.
Another problem is of transfer. If an officer works good and revulsion corruption, he will quickly get transferred until he gets corrupted. Almost the senior or junior officers are corrupted so they do not want such person who breaks their chain.
Another problem of police department is that they are not cooperative with public. They are not well educated and that’s why they do not have good skills in communication. People say that cases are not solved in time. This is due to old technology they are having. And if there is something new introduced given to them, they would not properly trained. This is also because of poor administration. Policemen are not properly trained as army trains its soldier. Advanced technology is required for best training.
There are number of misconceptions about the police department among the people. Those misconceptions include, people think that police officers are illiterate. They have no good educational background. People have this point of view because of the behavior of police officers in front of public. They act as if they have come straight from a rural area and no manners are taught to them. Their behavior towards common people is disgusting. Their treatment is neither respectful nor polite.
One more thing that arise the suspicions in mind of people is that our police do illegitimate things which means that their doings are against the law and society. There is a common perspective among the people that police is involved in street crime, drug trafficking and many other unlawful acts.
One big misconception in the mind of people is that police officers are not selected on merit. Those officers are selected who give bribe or because they are favored by any politician or higher rank govt. officer.
In fact this is not true, every govt. employee is selected on merit but there are some cases when officers are not employed on the basis of merit but this tradition has decreased in past few years. Govt. Employees are selected through government organized tests like CSS, PCS, etc.
But when the point of solutions arises most of them stood idly. Most of them declared that changing their nature is just not viable task, some said that the officers should be cruelly treated, some said that the administration should be filtered out and strictly enhanced because the intensity of corruption is at very extreme level even if there are many good officers too. This corruption cannot be removed through small individual steps because of its intense level. Its removal needs unity and determination.
Government should make awareness among the common people that all of the police officers are selected on merit and they are well educated so they can solve the problems of people. Police should also clean their identity in front of the people. They should stop behaving like land lords in the police stations. They should meet people with respect and politeness and provide any help which people want, only then they can prove that they are worthy of doing this work.
As far as media is concerned, we clearly know that it is the main downbeat image creator of this kind of department. Media stretches a simple small point and put it against police in front of us. Media is totally biased. They only the perspective which is against the police department and shows a single sided image which creates a negative impact on us.
Another solution is that the media should act unbiased. Media should show the mistakes done by police but media is supposed to support police where needed. The pay of junior officers should be increased at a suitable level. By taking such steps they will be easily fulfilling their family needs and wants.

By: Syed Sallar Wajdan-E-Haider Pirzada Jafery
Lahore School Economics


A man with such a true devotion and a well known personality he is a Pakistani philanthropist and the head of Edhi Foundation.
Abdul Sattar Edhi, as he is often known, the world's largest ambulance help service and charity.
Edhi foundation is the most trusted name in Pakistan when it comes to relief work within distressed areas in Pakistan and the rest of the world.
Edhi foundation is a NON Profit organization that has been in the business of providing social services like medical care, emergency services, air ambulances, burial services, mental habitats, old homes, child welfare services, abused women safe houses and training facilities for the disadvantaged

Edhi was born in 1928 in Bantva in the Gujarat, British India. His family migrated to Karachi, Pakistan in 1947 and in 1951 he purchased a small shop where he opened a small dispensary with the help of a doctor who taught him basic medical care. Edhi would sleep on a concrete bench outside his store so he was available at any time to help people. In 1957, a major flu epidemic occurred. Edhi set up up tents on the outskirts of the city to distribute free immunizations. Grateful residents donated generously to Edhi and so did the rest of Pakistan after hearing of his deeds. With all the donation money he bought the rest of the building and opened up a free maternity centre and nursing school, and so the Edhi Foundation was born.

The Edhi Foundation continues to grow throughout the Muslim world, and Edhi’s simple and pragmatic view of how best to help continues . His son, Faisal, once stated that when the Foundation was setting up in Afghanistan, local staff had purchased chairs for guests and the press for  new center opening. When Edhi arrived, he was furious because the money that was spent on the chairs could have been used to help people. That night he slept on the clinic floor with the ambulance drivers.  Edhi refuses to accept donations from governments or formal religious organisations, because according to him, they set ‘conditions’.

Edhi is a modest man of humble birth, now in his 70′s, whose humanitarian contribution is legion, and its impact now international. Edhi and his foundation according to the Guinness Book of Records is the owner of the largest Ambulance fleet in the world.
Edhi Foundation's activities include a 24 hours emergency service across the country through 250 Edhi centers which provide free shrouding and burial of unclaimed dead bodies, shelter for the destitutes, orphans and handicapped persons, free hospitals and dispensaries, rehabilitation of drug addicts, free wheel chairs, crutches and other services for the handicapped, family planning counseling and maternity services, national and international relief efforts for the victims.
Currently the Foundation is a home for over 6,000 destitutes, runaways and mentally ill, and it provides transportaion to over 1,000,000 persons annually to the hospitals, in addition to other wide ranging services.

 Not many people in the West know about Edhi. his wife, Bilquis Edhi, is also a very well known name in the society she is doing greeat work for the womens and children in pakistan.  he received the 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service. He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize and the Balzan Prize. Edhi is a Muslim of the Memon community. On September 22, 2010 Edhi was awarded an honorary degree of Doctorate by the University of Bedfordshire.

His mother taught him humanitarian values from an early age. She would send him to school with two coins, one to spend on himself and another to spend on someone who needed it. From the age of eleven, he also had to take care of his mother who suffered paralysis from severe diabetes
Young Abdul Sattar devoted himself for looking after all her needs; cleaning, bathing, changing clothes and feeding. This proved to be a losing battle against the disease, and her helplessness increased over the years. Her persistent woeful condition left a lasting impression on young Edhi. The course of his life took a different turn from other persons of his age. His studies were also seriously affected and he could not complete his high school level, For him the world of suffering became his tutor and source of wisdom.

Edhi's mother died when he was 19. His personal experience made him think of thousands and millions, suffering like his mother, around with nobody to look after them.
Even at this early age, he felt personally responsible for taking on the challenge of developing a system of services to reduce human miseries. The task was huge; he had no resources. But it was something that he had to do even if he had to walk to the streets with a cap in hand to beg for this purpose.

Abdul Sattat Edhi was married in 1965 to Bilquis, a nurse who worked at the Edhi dispensary. The couple have four children, two daughters and two sons. Bilquis runs the free maternity home at the headquarter in Karachi and organizes the adoption of illegitimate and abandoned babies. The husband-wife team has come to share the common vision of single minded devotion to the cause of alleviation of human sufferings and a sense of personal responsibiliy to respond to each call for help, regardless of race, creed or status.

 "I'm a Muslim," says Edhi, "but my true religion is human rights. He and his family live in a two room apartment adjacent to the premises of Foundation's headquarter. Neither Edhi nor Bilquis receives any salary.
.The live on the income from government securities that Edhi bought many years ago to take care of their personal needs for the rest of their lives, thereby freeing them to devote single mindedly to their missionary work.

The other occasion when the Edhi was thwarted was earlier this year in relation to the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza, in the aftermath of the Israeli incursion. Edhi was denied access to visit Gaza to bring in aid and supplies. This both confused and saddened him.   Edhi was  in Cairo  and was reported  to have said  ‘he regretted that every coming day was making the sphere of human rights more restrictive across the world’. He said that he has helped in the provision of relief to people affected by wars, civil wars, earthquakes and drought in 28 countries and was never before stopped from doing what he calls his ‘job’ . Ever the man who simply wants to help others, he thanked the Pakistani ambassador to Egypt for trying to get him permission to enter the Gaza but saidhe was ‘returning home as a depressed person’. A sad moment in the great life  of  Abdul Sattar Edhi – a man with a , a legacy that will stretch across continents and will pass down through generations.  We wish Edhi, his family and his Foundation best wishes and goof fortune for the future.

Ibrahim farrukh
Section H

The Comparison between Leonardo and Tintoretto's "The Last Supper"

Leonardo da Vinci and Tintoretto are the two great painters who are known for their very famous paintings called “The Last Supper”. This painting has a religious theme. The Last Supper is one of the most important incidents in Christian religion. In this incident, Jesus Christ had gathered all his disciples to announce that one of his twelve apostles will betray him before the sunrise. The painting depicts this scene and shows how the twelve apostles have reacted to the news with different degrees of horror, anger and shock.
Leonardo’s “Last Supper” is a fresco painting executed for the dining hall of a Milan monastery. It is known to be one of his greatest works. He began working on it in 1495 and finished it in 1498. Leonardo used his skills to create a very detailed and naturalistic piece of work. He has created all the characters with amazing individuality. The viewer is first attracted to the figure of Jesus Christ who is sitting among his apostles. Leonardo has used geometric shapes to represent the windows behind Jesus, the doors behind apostles and the ceiling. The painter has chosen to depict the moment when Jesus says, “one of you will betray me”. The apostles are seen in a state of shock and denial. The effect of this statement is visible. Despite their dramatic reaction, Leonardo imposes a sense of order on the scene. Christ’s head is at the center framed by a halo-like architectural opening. The apostles are arranged around him in four groups of three united by their posture and gesture. Judas, who was traditionally placed on the opposite side of the table, is here set apart from the other apostles by his shadowed face.
Leonardo tried some new painting techniques for this painting. Instead of using tempera on wet plaster he used dry plaster. This experiment resulted in a more varied palette, which was what he had intended to achieve. However, the painted plaster began to fall off the wall immediately.  
Tintoretto started painting “The Last Supper” in 1592 and completed it in 1594. In this painting, he created a special atmosphere by using two light sources, darker colors and transparent hovering angles which added a supernatural effect in the painting. Tintoretto’s version of the painting demonstrates a dramatic change in art and the concept of art over almost a century when it is compared to the one drawn by Leonardo. He has used intensified streaks of light to emphasize on the direction of movement, and thus heighten the effect of dramatic action. Everything and everyone is set in a motion, people are seen walking and leaning against each other, angels are flying. Mainly due to the light effects, a distinction is made between the hovering angles and the human bodies below. Tintoretto has maintained the basic realism, in drawing bodily proportions, and in expressing the color and texture of objects like the fruit, cloth and glassware. The composition in space is fantastic and successfully unified.
Both painters have done a great job in making these paintings. At the first glance Leonardo’s painting looks fairly remarkable. It represents a strongly horizontal organization with a symmetrical balanced group of apostles behind a long table, divided by Christ at the center but on a closer analysis we see Leonardo’s tranquility being radically rearranged. On the other hand Tintoretto’s painting is asymmetrical, complicated and very crowded; it is difficult to indentify particular disciples. The instant Tintoretto chose to portray differs from that of Leonardo. Leonardo chose the point at which Jesus announced that one of his apostles will betray him. However Tintoretto chose to describe the moment when Jesus shared bread, which symbolized his body as the wine stood for his blood. Leonardo chose the moment to describe death where as Tintoretto chose a moment to signify life. The drama of facial expressions that is seen in the Leonardo’s version is almost totally missing in the Tintoretto’s painting. The gestures too are arranged so as to contribute most to the general motion; not so as to be most expressive emotionally. Yet the story is conveyed and is its dramatic pace is quickened by the atmosphere of electrical demonstration.

Hassan Tahir 

                                                                    Fashion Fever
In view of my opinion, the word “fashion” basically refers to an exaggerated distortion of a person’s image. Anything which is inn within that specific frame of time, following it becomes a pre-requisite to be socially desirable by all. As in today’s globalized era, people have adopted a stereotypical blurred image of beauty in mind. Today, everyone is in search of style with reference to our famous, so-called fashion designers.
In today’s modern date, fashion is rather restricted to the outlook of a person in a unique and absolute manner. It is more to do with how a person looks and/or dresses himself. The dynamism of the fashion world is moreover absurd.
Fashion journalism has become popular too. Many magazines, newspapers, websites and blogs include photographs and editorial critiques of various fashion designs and latest trends. ‘Vogue’ is one of the world’s most influential fashion magazine. Such magazines depict that if women can have tons and tons of clothes, they can do without nothing else. The movie “Devil wears Prada” also shows how difficult it was for Andy Sachs to get a job for the ‘Runway’ fashion magazine, because her attire style was outdated.
Those who do not fit into the ‘stereotypical’ image of a fashionable person are termed associated with derogatory remarks such as “weird”. If school-children wear their father’s or mother’s sweater to their school, they would be laughed at, even if that sweater keeps them cozy and safe from flu. They are labeled as geeks and nerds. People cannot even wear their last year clothes, just because the fad has expired and they are bound to follow the latest. They have to be socially acceptable by one and all.
In the program “Project Runway”, various designers showcase their designs on svelte models. Their designs are judged and every week one designer is eliminated. The judges pass derogatory comments at the designers whose designs are not liked by the judges, thus humiliating them. A person’s self-esteem is at stake. In fashion shows, some designs barely cover women, let alone their privates. One must ask; are such designs even worthy of being worn in public? Is fashion a substitute for nudity or obscenity in any way?
Tattoos and body piercings are a fashion statement, too. As per me, people mostly get tattoo’s done so that they may cover up some of their weaknesses or flaws and be viewed with a perception of being “cool”. They feel that such things are part of their self-image and self-concept. In recent times, they are used to tell something about the individual, just like the clothing. The skin must not remain empty too, now.
Fashion leads to the promotion of glamour. Why do we always begrudge something we don’t have in our lives, even though we do not necessarily need it? Have we ever tried to ponder over the fact as to why we crave for such a luxurious lifestyle? We have become indolently dependent upon quality that we forget the price that we have to pay for it. Has the infiltration of glamour changed our lifestyle so much that we need to reconsider our substitution class?
As seen through the definitions glamour is largely used to glorify appearance, but what if appearance and reality contrast each other in reality. It is in effect, used as a tool for mass disguise. It engrosses man in a trance, underestimating his ability to judge the true value of things. It must be stressed here that looking good is no crime, but only looking good is.
 If we do not realize the depth of the problem, we will never be able to rectify it. Stakes are high and urgent decisions are needed. In this post-normal world, where mass deception is common and outspread, if we do not realize the root of the problem that is facing us than we will undeniably will have to bear inevitable repercussions.
What we do not perhaps understand is that glamour is not only restricted to fashion, but rather encompasses many aspects of our daily lives. Our entire lifestyles are set under the agenda of promoting glamour. Urbanization is infused under the cover of glamour. A person is judged primarily on the basis of the suit he wears in the office, and secondarily on his performance.
One particular movie “Confessions of a shopaholic” can be discussed in this context. In this movie Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopping addict. Whenever she passes by a mall, she could not fight its allure. She keeps on accumulating debt. She is not able to pay the bills. She even loses her job. So this movie shows the price one has to pay for being a shopaholic.
The infusion of glamour in our lives is largely due to the emergence of brands in the hundreds of millions. Corporations have become living, breathing persons. Glamour is not merely an air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement but rather a simulated solicitation aura of hell. It makes one adore luxury to the extent that one would go to any extent for that. One is compelled by its fragrance leading him to forget the repercussions that he will have to face for it. You don’t get a Rolex out of nowhere. Your luxury is a result of their sacrifice. Their lives have to be sacrificed for you to get even a normal suit. That is how the system works.
Right now while one is driving a Ferrari, child labor in Africa is in the flow to get the raw materials. While one is enjoying a beautiful sunset on your rocking chair, know that that its wood was cut by men who got negligible wage for it.
The things you own have been snatched from others and given to you, just because you can pay for them. That is what these corporations do. They put their brand name on stolen material, re-style it and give it to you, while the real owner doesn’t get more than a penny.  Everything comes at a price. There is no such thing as free lunch. The elite are enslaving both the rich and the poor but by different means. They enchain the poor by oppression and the rich by making them so deeply involved in materialism.
What to be understood is that quality is not ought to be sacrificed in any manner. But what one doesn’t understand is that the achievement of a better standard commodity or service is generated through a certain price only. Also, the issue of morality tends to arise when one gets so deeply engrossed in materialistic possessions that he starts flaunting about them. Fashion has become a dire need or to say in better words, a pre-requisite in modern times. The current substitution class of ‘Survival of the Fittest’ only allows the more fashion-savvy to not only thrive but emerge through it successfully.

 Sehrish Javaid 
Sec H

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

From Osama to Obama

Post by: Muhammad Ali
BBA II Section H

9/11 took place and it drastically changed everything and i don't think there is a need to justify the credibility of this incident, Pakistan from a peaceful and beautiful country certainly changed into terrorist and dangerous country. Foreigners stopped touring Pakistan and certainly Pakistan became favorite country for Terrorists and an old name "Al-Qaeda" presented in a new way.

In 2006 I wrote an article on my blog named as "Wisdom Direct" about the invasion of American Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, about the role of CIA in the sub continent, Afghanistan and Iraq and the primary objective of the Pentagon. Sadly my article was banned and I got a warning letter from the Information Department of Pakistan that if i do not shut down my website then they would take serious steps against me which can lead to imprisonment as well, so I had to shut it down which I did with heavy heart and under the pressure of my family. Anyhow it was a sad part but I have to get along with the original discussion so i was talking about the intention of the Americans which they justified in 2003 when they penetrated into the boundaries of Iraq alleging that they have weapons of Mass Destruction and I think I don't need to emphasize on the fact whether they found any kind of weapons there or not, everyone knows they did not :).

So a long struggle of Americans brought them to May, 1, 2011 when American President Barak Hussain Obama (Why I have mentioned his full name is just to remind you a long debate done on him by Global Media about his religion) authorized a raid on the bin Laden's suspected location in Abottabad, Pakistan. The operation was successfully carried out by the US Navy Seals and CIA. During the 40 minutes raid Osama Bin Laden was shot fatally on head and chest which caused his death. After his death his corpse was taken to sea for burial after the denial of Saudi Government from accepting his dead body. Osama's story came to an end but like past instead of finishing a story it gave birth to new stories, unlimited questions and controversies. So, opening the closet or Pandora's Box I guess I am going to ask some questions and lay down some facts. Disagreeing is your right, having different opinion is your trait so play like a good player.
Here are some facts
  • This is the 9th time according to news this man has been killed.
  • I am unable to understand why on earth was ISI not aware of the presence of bin Laden in Pakistan's Territory and how on the earth people of the same vicinity never noticed his existence.
  • How on the earth American's Copter traveled 3 hours without letting Pakistan's forces know.
  • Where was the media when they were firing bullets and rockets for 40 minutes.
  • How much time do you require to come from 1000 feet. PMA was at 1000 feet, why they did not reacted timely.
  • Is it possible to operate in a foreign country without taking their assent.
Now some hard facts I would like to talk about, America invaded Afghanistan without taking her nation in confidence and on every death of her solider American people protested against Government's policies. So they really need some success to retreat from Afghanistan, this is their way to retreat to show that what they have promised they have achieved it extracted from the speech of Obama. I still remember that day and the video when Saddam Hussain was captured and was taken out from the cave like place, they made the video because Saddam Hussain was real then why they did not make any video of Osama bin Laden if he was as real as Saddam Hussain. If we can understand the gravity of the situation then we do not need any proofs to admit the reality of the drama performed by the aliens and the American Government and Forces. 
Everyone knows who has suffered most in the drama of terrorism. More than 30 thousand Pakistani killed in suicide attacks and terrorist attacks, more than billions of rupees of property have been destroyed and Americans are talking about the loss of WTC.
This is a very difficult time for Pakistani nation according to my rationale I am taking it to different angle Firstly, Taliban have deliberately blamed Pakistan and made her their priority to attack and America on the back hand. If we can some how survive from the attacks of Al-Qaeda then who can give a surety that we are safe from American policies because this is all what they wanted. They wanted to show that we are with terrorists and are supporting them, Osama's existence near PMA and Islamabad is a big sign to worry. They have played their game well now it is our time to play. 

God Bless Pakistan.


When does life really begin? Is it when a child is pushed from the womb into this world or is it when the heart of the unborn baby starts to beat for the first time? There are so many people out there who say that the unborn is not really a person, or even alive because it cannot sustain its own life. If this were true, then no one is a real person until he or she starts to live on their own, away from their parents. When you think about this, without listening to the arguments about when life starts or if a living being is considered alive until a specific time, you would be surprised to find how everything seems to be so unreal.
There are some realities in life which are hard to explain, difficult to believe, yet acceptable to the mind. There is always a difference in the way a conscious mind thinks as compared to a sub-conscious mind. People have witnessed many paranormal things in a state of subconscious mind which can never be proved scientifically but those who experienced such things have a firm belief on experiences.
The researches of scientists has often remained limited to the few isolated subjects and it is largely believed by common people that the science is way behind when it comes to spirituality over the physical existence. Where science cannot find a practical explanation, it draws a conclusion that states about the non-existence of the matter. Today spirituality is far ahead than science when it comes to such explanations.
Standing all alone at a deserted place, you might experience a cold breeze that comes with a fragrance, a fragrance that cannot be found anywhere near. You would definitely look for anybody around and when you find absolutely no clue, it’s the nature of a human mind to raise questions about these unreal circumstances of your life. There are no justifications that science can provide however spiritual believers give some vision to this which can never be justified but can only be believed as there isn’t any alternative than doing so.
Man has spent millions to explore the space, develop satellites and live cameras to see distant things instantly or it is just a scientific explanation to what a man sees when he closes his eyes. It can be found in many books written by spiritual scholars that a man can see things far away by just closing his eyes and practicing specific spiritual behaviours. So putting it another way, can it be said that watching something that is a thousand miles away from you on a live television is a scientific explanation to what you can see by a spiritual practice.
It is possible that you wake up from a dream one day and you are surprised to know that the happenings in your dream come to reality in the following days. These are things that a man confronts every day since this universe came into existence and yet these things remain unsorted. These are unreal circumstances that surely have a reality which is best known to God and man is still wondering about it even in the twenty first century.

Ali Suhail Khan 

The Dark World of Models
As heard many times, there are two sides to a coin; similarly, there are always two sides of everything. There are advantages and disadvantages of all. Good and bad of everything. Then why should the world of glitz and glamour be any different? No matter how shiny, how alluring and how sensational the life of a model seems, behind the scene, though, lies a dark, a murky world far from all the glamour and shine.
These public figures may always have been captured smiling and waving at us through pictures and videos, but in reality, life is not as easy for them as it seems. Life, for them is like living in a fish bowl where everyone can see you. Achievement comes with a lot of hard work, but for celebrities, it is more than just hard work.
It may seem unbelievable to many of us, as to how can a life which seems to be perfect, can also be submerged in dejection and gloominess? “We models are treated like hangars”, is the statement of a model who does not wish to be named. From her experience in the world of modeling, she believes that hardly anyone gets fame by sacrificing a major part of their lives. In her case, it has been her family. And in many other cases it has been their self-respect, image and even their lives! The world of fashion is not just about displaying the best of clothes, wearing make-up and carrying out the ramp walk, she says. It is also about striving to guard your dignity, respect and self-esteem.
From her experience, she believes that no matter from what part of the world you belong to, or what your background is, but once you enter the world of fashion, you automatically get coated with plastic. The environment, the atmosphere is such that you cannot help but become plastic. You are expected to forget yourself and become a dummy of the agent who provides you with work. Time is not at all a consideration anymore. Attending page3 parties, inaugurations and events seems to become the most important task of life. Smoking, drinking and drugs become a normal and easy way of de-stressing. Those who don’t do it are laughed at, and such immense peer pressure is forced onto them that they either leave the fashion world, or start de-stressing the same way.
Eating disorders are the most talked about issues as well. My source tells me that eating disorder is the most common amongst models. Not just dieting or starving, but to the height of vomiting after every meal! Karen Carpenter and Ana Carolina Reston were two very famous models who passed away at a tender age due to eating disorders. Though, there are some models that work out, have a healthy lifestyle and say no to drugs and alcohol, but they are very few in number.
Sexual abuse and ill-treatment is as common as ABC in the world, she says. Every other person wants to use, abuse and throw you away like you are worthless. Selling off one’s respect just for the sake of being spotted on a bigger show, or to have a job is a norm. There are countless times when someone gets assaulted, whether they are male or female, but many of them do not come forward and report the case, scared that their image might get tarnished. Models usually enter the industry at a very young age, when their minds are innocent, and it is very easy for someone to use, or manipulate them. They do not know the evils of the industry, and therefore it is crucial that they find someone reliable who can guide them through. A recent incident of Anand Jon assaulting young models aged to 14 and above sent waves of shock amongst the world. My source expresses, Anand Jon would have never been sentenced to 59years in prison if those models hadn’t stepped up and spoken against him. Models had past learnt to keep mum on such situations, but finally times are changing.
The fashion fraternity isn’t as dark as it must have started to seem after the above mentioned incidents, but you must know that there are certain rules to every game. You must just play your cards right. If your intentions are pure, and you are pure at heart, then there is no way that anyone can harm you. Good and bad times are a part of life, but the one who tackles them and gets on with life is the winner. Learning from yours and others’ mistakes is important.
The purpose of writing this article was to create awareness amongst the audience, especially the young girls who are planning to join the fashion industry. It isn’t only just about the glamour and style, but it is also about passion, hard work and to achieve a name in the industry by the right means.
Mehreen Afzal Khan (Section H)

Drug Rehabilitation

   Pakistan is today notorious for many things, but in last few years drug production and addiction has increasingly become one of the most significant problems. To cope up with the drug addicts, drug rehabilitation centers are made by the public sector as well as the private sector. There are few drug rehabilitation centers in Lahore which include Eman clinic, Lahore Addiction Treatment center, Islamic drug treatment center, Nai zindagi.
     I’ll be talking about the problems which the drug rehabilitation centers and patients face. One major problem which is considered in Pakistan is awareness. Most of the people in country are unaware of the centers, though proper advertising is done. Rich class is more aware of the rehabilitation centers than the middle class.  66% of the addicts didn’t receive education more than matric. (Habib, 1984) In Punjab, 68% of the heroine addicts are found to be illiterate; they didn’t receive schooling of more than 8 years. (Jafri, 1984) it is true that most people in Pakistan are not aware of the rehabilitation centers, due to the high illiteracy rate in Pakistan. This is why each rehabilitation center has only 20-25 numbers of patients.
            Drug rehabilitation centers face financial problems. Government and NGO’s are not providing funds to the private centers; therefore very few number of rehabilitation centers are made up in Lahore. Most of the rehabilitation centers face spacing problems. The centers want to widen up their setup, but due to financial issues this isn’t done. Eman clinic has a small place in which the patients are treated; it includes both male and female patients. They need to make a separate center for females, so the female addicts and their families feel comfortable with it.All the centers observed have four to six beds in each room, though each patient should have one private room
        Even if the government agrees to give financial support, they add some terms and agreements, which mostly include free treatment of a number of patients of their choice. Those patients are street addicts; they spoil the environment of private centers. Due to them, other patients also don’t feel comfortable. Mostly patients in private drug rehabilitation centers belong to good families; they can’t adjust themselves with such patients. This creates problems for the centers, so they don’t agree to take finance. The government should support these centers instead of giving money to doctors at public drug rehabilitation centers. General, Mayo, and Services are government hospitals; these only have a 15 days detoxification treatment. The doctors at these centers don’t care about their patients. The doctors are not even clear about their concepts; they sometimes don’t know that which method they should use to treat a certain kind of patient. These hospitals don’t even maintain basic records of their clients.
           One of the problems that the doctors face at the centers face is of denial. The addict never accepts his problems, which he’s having because of drugs. The addicts feel they don’t have any problem and they don’t want any help. In order for the rehabilitation to succeed, the patient should want to be helped sincerely. Families are also denials; they act stubborn in this case too. They should be supportive to bring the patient on the right track, but they never accept their mistakes. Families create more problems for centers than patients. Family should not deny anything, but should make the patient accept his/her mistakes. They should tell about each and every act made by the patient when he had used drugs. They should help the patient in forgetting about his past and starting a new life exclusive of drugs. The doctors find it difficult to change the thinking patterns of patients. They try to be friendly with them and have a heart-to-heart talk with them. It is very difficult to do that though, because the lifestyle and thinking pattern of addicts is totally different from that of a normal human being. But to start treatment, it is important that the patient is also willing to get treated well.
       The patients just want to escape from these centers; patients are even standing in one posture whole night just to find way to get out of the centers. They just look for excuses to use drugs. Drug cravings are so severe that the addict is ready to do anything to get more drugs. This is because with continued use of drug, the body isn’t able to produce certain chemicals, as those are replaced by drugs. Therefore at first few days of treatment, the body demands for drugs due to cravings. The more the patient uses drugs, more problems he creates for himself. Addicts can abandon all moral teachings just for the intake drugs. These include misdeeds as lying, stealing, teachings, and sometimes even murders. Craving is one of the major factor due to which the patient cannot stop the intake of drugs. The body gets addicted to drugs, just because of the attraction of drugs one can’t refrain taking it.
             Another problem of the patients is aggression and mood disorder. The patient suffers severe withdrawals, sometimes even the patient jumps 2 inches above the bed. It is very difficult for the doctors to build up a good relation with the patients. When the patients are injected, it is very difficult to handle them. Doctors have to cope up with patients in whichever mood they are.
          There are also some after treatment problems. The rehabilitation centers don’t give a guarantee that that the patient will not use drugs again after once treated. This is because the attraction of drugs is so great; that it is very difficult to stay away from drugs.
           In the society, addicts are termed as “rejected people”, even if they leave drugs; they are still called by bad names such as “charsi”. This behavior of the society may lead to addiction again, because he’s being treated in the same way as before.          
After treatment the first six months include problems of craving, confusion, lack of sleep, and body aches. The next six months include problems of adjusting back again in family, development of new social network, and finding a new job. The next one year includes the problems of relapse, anxiety, peer pressure for drug intake, adjustment to new social network.
           People should help the patient adjusting back in the society and appreciating him/her. This would help him/her to stay away from drugs which would again take their life back to the drug rehabilitation center away from their families. If a person has decided to leave drugs for whole life, then the family should support them and social network should be changed. So, due to the company of addicts, they don’t get back to drugs again
          This is too one of the problems centers face due to the illiterate society. Patients get back to drugs, and they have to pass them through the three months process again. This time it is more difficult, because the person thinks he can’t remove the label he is given by the society.
          So, after treatment classes are given at the turning point. The patients are only allowed to sleep at their homes, but daily treatment is given in the morning by the centers.
       There are very few drug rehabilitation centers located in Lahore,there is still a need for more rehabilitation centers. Government should help with this issue, ANF should be supportive. It is found through the research that though there are only 6 rehabilitation centers in Lahore, but all of the centers have specialized staff, good facilities for patients, and are trying to give all kinds of better treatments to patients.
Hussain Ali Bhatti 
Sec H